domingo, 14 de fevereiro de 2010

Metal Mass Speech of Hell

My friends, the world is doomed. Hell is rising from the depths and it’s blazes will consume us all, because I stand here today.
My fellow Metal fans, I stand here before you with one single purpose, which is to unite every single one of you solo lovers, drum crazy, head-bang addicted punk asses against the whole world.
“Why?” you might ask. I’ll tell you why. Because Metal has lost something, to the other genres of music worldwide, that can not be regained, only re-conquered: Respect! People used to face Metal as they would face the other music types. Now everything is different, people start to listen to any Metal songs and they start complaining that it’s just too loud, brutal or vicious. Well then, I got some newsflash for you people: Life itself is loud, brutal and vicious! And if you prefer to despise life, then my 4th floor window will be opened 24/7 for you people to jump.
Ever since the 70’s with Black Sabbath and Dokken etc., to the current days when we have Lamb of God and Slipknot, so many changes occurred to Metal. Nowadays we can hear more aggressive power chords, more crazy drum rhythms and more incredible vocal work. Though so much changed, the meaning and feeling of Metal have stayed the same. Metal is all about pure and raw emotions. To experience such emotions and to be able to connect them to so many songs is a gift that most of mankind is yet to uncover.
A few days ago, a friend of mine asked me: ”Pedro, why in the world do you like Metal?” My answer was simple: “Miguel, why the hell do you like Muse?”. And if you are one of those people who believe that Muse or any other rock band have more musical potential than Metal, think again. According to him, Muse were better because of their great drum skills, even though I find it hard to believe that they are better than Joey Jordison, from Slipknot. Muse were better because of their melodic guitar riffs, nevertheless you can’t possibly talk about melodic guitars without listening to Hammerfall or any other Power Metal band. As you can see, Metal has the upper hand when it comes to feeling, and when it comes to musical ability.
In the words of the great Jack Black, from Tenacious D: “You can’t kill the metal!”

6 comentários:

  1. A razão pela qual as pessoas não gostam de metal é devido à existência de bandas como Slipknot, Limp Bizkit e KoRn, seres odiáveis e criadores do nu metal, um género que nem considerado de música deve ser.
    E adoro a ironia de ver este texto escrito por um gajo que gosta de techno.

  2. Tiago ma men, eu gosto d algum techno é vdd. E gosto de vários tipos de música e Metal é o k eu gosto mais por isso é que o defendi com este texto.

  3. Mas não estás a falar de metal (pelo menos metal bom, mas isso é uma questão de ires abrindo os olhos com o tempo) quando te referes a Slipknot como uma banda de metal puro e duro. E também não podes comparar o metal de antigamente com o que se faz agora sem falares do factor "Pro Tools" que os Shitallica tanto gostam.

  4. No meu ponto de vista, não penso que pessoas que gostam de Metal deveriam discutir entre si. Se preferem bandas diferentes, epah pronto azar, mas o importante aqui é unir todo o Metal contra a toda anokeira que há por aí (Muse no texto). É o que eu acho.

  5. Pois, na minha opinião, nós devemos discutir (de maneira saudável, claro), pois apesar de ambos gostarmos de Metal, os nossos gostos são diferentes. Tu gostas de Metallica, eu não. Tu gostas de Slipknot, eu não. Tu gostas de Avenged Sevenfold, eu não. E além disso, tu gostas de techno... Eu não.
